Accessory: WS Automatic Transmission Fluid

Type: chemical
Accessories name: WS Automatic Transmission Fluid
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Automatic transmission fluid (ATF) is the most complex of all lubricating fluids. Not only does it have to reduce friction to prevent wear like all lubricants, it also allows a certain level of friction so the transmission's internal clutch materials can engage.
ATF must be compatible with all transmission components, operate at both low and high-temperature extremes, and maintain constant performance for extended periods.
ATF lubricates the gears, bearings, and clutch in the planetary gear unit.

It is the most complex of all lubricating fluids. Not only does it have to reduce friction to prevent wear like all lubricants, it also allows a certain level of friction so the transmission's internal clutch materials can engage.

Genuine Toyota ATF can give you:
- More than 20,000 km mileage
- Good thermal and oxidation stability
- Excellent low-temperature capability
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