Accessory: Oil Filters

Type: spare-part
Accessories name: Oil Filters
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Description label: Function of oil filters
Oil filters remove particles from the oil, preventing friction and engine damage. If it is not replaced in time it will be clogged, causing engine friction and damage. It may even require a complete engine overhaul.

When is it time to change my oil filter?
Your oil filter should be changed periodically, for example, each time you change your oil. In addition, if you experience reduced performance, increased fuel consumption, or notice accelerated wear on engine parts, you may want to include an oil filter change.

Genuine Toyota oil filters
– Dual textured element for effective filtration
– Highly durable
– Equipped with gaskets made with heat resistant, non-stick acrylic rubber
– Made with check and relief valves made of durable heat-resistant rubber
– Able to filter carbon effectively in diesel engines
– Able to provide oil through the relief valve even if the filter is clogged

Fake/counterfeit products
– Tearing and clogging due to their thinner, finer mesh
– Frequent replacement
– Leaks, caused by gasket deformation and deterioration
– Dirty oil getting into the engine caused by relief valves opening prematurely
– Back smoke and increased fuel consumption due to poor carbon filtration
– Engine damage
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